Contact Us

Send us an email through our contact page. Tell us a bit about yourself and let us know any questions you have.

Athlete Questionnaire

We will send over a questionnaire to see where you’ve been, where you are going, and learn more about you as an athlete.

Past Power Analysis

We will link your TrainingPeaks to our account. We will look at your past rides, your strengths and weaknesses and see how you compare to your competition to help create your program.

Program Creation

All of our training programs include a dynamic, customized training program and one-on-one communication with your cycling coach. We will create a program to meet your goals. Then it’s time to ride and make gains!


Training with Evoq


Training with EVOQ.BIKE is easy! We do all the heavy lifting of analyzing your data and creating your customized training, all you gotta do is ride (and get faster!).


Here’s how it works:

  1. Login to your TrainingPeaks account and view your training calendar! You can add your events, vacations, days you need off, and we will create the training to work around your life.


View Your Workout For The Day

We will give guidance on completing your workout and the purpose behind it.


Now for the fun part– GO RIDE!!

The workouts can be loaded for indoor and outdoor riding.

Leave Feedback

After each ride, we recommend leaving feedback on the ride. We will use this information to obtain a deeper understanding of how the ride went and what is going on in your life.

Ride Analysis and Feedback

Your coach will review and analyze your ride and leave feedback in training peaks.


Coach Communication

Based on your training program level, you can communicate with your coach via email, text, and monthly zooms.

Ready to get started? Have questions? View our training programs below or fill out the contact form. We will be in touch shortly!